This is gonna be a long one....

Conor and Caden turn ONE on Wednesday, which means I made it through their first year!! Yay! I am shocked at how quickly it went by, even though every...single....person...told me how fast it flies by. Many people still say "the days sure go by slowly, but the years fly by". I think I mentioned that in a previous post, but boy is it true! Fastest year of my life, for sure.

We celebrated the boys on Sunday at a BBQ at my parent's house. We did a similar event last summer at their meet and greet, so it's surreal that we celebrated their one year in the same place - after what felt like a whirlwind of a year. Here are some pics of me and the boys arriving in MA and setting up for the party. A huge thank you to my parents who were the biggest help - and Chrissy and Linds, too!

I hung some CC pictures on the clothesline for people to see moments from their first year....

We were using this old wagon from when my sister and I grew up - but Conor and Caden were just a little too young for it. I felt like they were going to fly overboard. They LOVE watching wheels turn, but this was too close for comfort for Mama. Thankfully my besties out in LA sent a new, "canopy" wagon to C&C for their first bday!! (pictured above sans canopy).

Onto the birthday party...here are some pictures of their "whale theme" amazing cake. It was delicious. If anyone is looking for a cake in the Woburn area, check out Sweet Garden Cakes on facebook and ask for Nicole. She is so talented!!

And then of course the much-anticipated cake smash....

And lastly, here are some pics of the crowd. What a BEAUTIFUL day. We really lucked out. I think it was the first real warm day in MA in what feels like forever. Here is Caden and Conor post bath after their cake smash...thanks to Auntie Chrissy and Shayla! They were exhausted.

Three generations...

My family!

Mary and I  - both mothers of twins!

Callie (their cousin, 5 days younger than the boys...happy birthday, Callie!).

Mary with Conor...

 And Mary with Caden.  "Everything two times!"

Nana Phelan with both her grandbabies! Loving their new wagon. Thank you, Sarah and Nicole.

Thank you EVERYONE for all their new toys, clothes, and gear. Jim and I honestly have no idea what we would do without all of you. You made their day so memorable and special. We are so thankful. Can't wait to keep the celebrations going all summer!

AKA Mom of two toddlers!

Flashback photo of the boys with Callie at the meet last summer.  Look how tiny they all were!


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