A Berry Fun Weekend!

Life's a beach.........

My cousin, Jodie and her four kids, Jason, Kelsie, Kayla, and Jared came down to the Cape house this weekend. While it was unreal with all 6 kids together - it was SO much fun. They all loved playing together and making fun memories on the Cape! Jodie, Chrissy, and I spent so many summers playing together in Cape Cod. It was nice for children to do the same...even for a quick weekend.

Quick Phelan family photos in the ocean. Photo cred - Lindsey! Mama has Caden and Daddy has Conor. No diapers in this top photo - nothing a little cropping doesn't fix. ;)

Action shot! They loved it. And Keyes Beach is nice and shallow with a fun little sandbar - so it's perfect for children. It's open to the public, but we love how small it is...like a hidden gem.

Me and my Godson, Jared! He LOVED the water. We brought a plastic blue pool to the beach for the babies to play in and he loved splashing around.

When we got back from the beach, Jodie took her older kids to the outdoor shower to clean off and I had Jared, Caden, and Conor in the tub! They loved it. Then we of course watched Daniel Tiger and rested a bit before BBQ dinner.
On Monday, we were a little sick of the beach. Instead we all went shopping in Hyannis center for the Berry babies to get new Cape Cod sweatshirts and hats! They loved trying on all the sweatshirts. They were a riot. Conor and Caden took the opportunity to relax and have some milk.

What a fun, busy and crazy weekend!!!!

Til next time...
Shaz & C-Squared


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