Another Fourth of July in the Books! SUCCESS!

It feels like yesterday the top photo was taken - Conor and Caden were just seven weeks old and we were partying in the Cape like we were 22 years old. Fast-forward one year and the boys are now approaching 14 months. What a year. We had such a blast this year down the Cape and it was awesome that C-Squared were sleeping through the night. Ha - I must say, that definitely made this year a bit more enjoyable. ;)

Honestly - I am so grateful for all the amazing friends and memories we have made over these last NINE years celebrating in Cape Cod. I blogged about our trip last year. And next year will be the tenth annual Fourth of July bash down the Cape...I cannot believe it! Jim and I were talking about how each year different fun things happen - yet the same traditions do too (i.e. upside down margaritas, crazy sunburns, pasta salad, flunkyball, etc). I think we need to find something unique and festive for next year. Let's see who can come up with the next tradition....

The weather was absolutely perfect this year. We were outside 95% of the time. I am sure everyone is exhausted (I sure am!) but it was so worth it. Here are a few of my fav pics and collages....enjoy!


And of course FLUNKYBALL! It wouldn't be a weekend in Cape Cod without it. Conor and Caden even watched and cheered everyone on! Tori, too!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Independence Day Weekend! Looking forward to next year already. The big 1-0.

Shaz, Cay, and Con

P.S. Flashback to last


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