Boston Boys!

On Saturday, Jim and I were fortunate enough to head to Fenway while Aunties Chrissy and Lindsey watched Conor and Caden overnight. We ventured into town around 1PM for a 4PM game. We did a private tour of Fenway with Jim's family (they had set it up months ago for a family reunion on his mother's side). We watched batting practice, got to keep the cool Red Sox gloves, and even got two children's gloves for Caden and Conor! Then we had a buffet dinner at Fenway - with unlimited beer/wine until the 7th inning of the game. It was SO much fun. Great day/night out. Oh, and we were in bed by 8:30PM. It was fantastic.

The next day, we toured Charlestown with C&C- visiting Paul Revere Park, the Navy Yard, and the Bunker Hill Monument. See the Hyatt Harborside hotel behind us?!?!  It's where we got married!!

Here's a shot of the Hyatt from our wedding night. :)

Then we headed over to Foxboro to meet up with Tori and the Boschs. We had so much fun hanging in the backyard and playing together. We even took a short ride over to Gillette Stadium to see where the Patriots play! Afterwards, we had a BBQ and put the boys to bed to drive home. What a fun weekend.  

I had Monday off from work, so my Mom and I headed into Boston AGAIN. We wanted some fresh olive bread from the North End. There's an awesome artisan bread bakery at Bricco -- behind Bricco restaurant. My sister showed me this place last week when we met up during lunch one day. I had to show my mom...I knew she would love it.

We ended up stumbling across this amazing splash park! This is what I was envisioning a few weeks ago when I wanted to bring the boys to one. This one was great...and there were tons of kids there at the time because two daycares were there visiting. Conor slept through the whole thing, but Caden loved it!

Then we took the train home -- what Mommy does everyday. It was fun! The boys were a little restless, but it was quick.

I went to the grocery store to grab some things for a stir fry. What trip to the grocery store deli be without getting a piece of cheese?! :):):)

Th stir fry dish I made was incredible. Jim couldn't stop raving about it (and he doesn't even like mushrooms!). I sauteed the mushrooms in their own pan and sauteed some brussels sprouts and onions in another pan. I boiled the couscous in a pot and once they were done, I mixed all of those ingredients together. I then sauteed some chicken in a sweet and sour sauce from Whole Foods -- and tossed together for Jim. He LOVED it. I opted to keep my dish sauce-free which was great, too.

Fresh, healthy meal after an insane weekend. Loved it.

All for now! Have a great week.



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