Happy 5 Years...7/10/10!
Happy FIFTH anniversary, Jim!!! I can't believe it's been 5 years. We have had so much happen over the last 13 years together -- between cross country moves, having children, and changing jobs. So many things have evolved, but I'm so glad you have remained my constant. I love you!
"When I think about you
I think about 17
I think about my old Jeep
I think about the stars in the sky
Funny how a melody sounds like a memory
Like a soundtrack to a July Saturday nigh." - Eric Church

We had the wine in these fun glasses that my sister got us for Christmas a few years ago. They are adorable -- and perfect for the occasion!
I think about 17
I think about my old Jeep
I think about the stars in the sky
Funny how a melody sounds like a memory
Like a soundtrack to a July Saturday nigh." - Eric Church
Of course, no anniversary post is complete without a few pics to relive the day 5 years ago. If you're really interested, here's our full archive post from our photographer, Corey's website. Here's my Dad walking me down the aisle...
And Jim and I greeting our guests after the ceremony. A bit relieved that the hardest part was over...
One of our favorite shots of us and the Boston skyline at the Hyatt.
A quick precious moment before heading into our reception.
A little later into the evening....love my dress here.
And fast-forward a quick 5 years. This is how we celebrated on Saturday! We ventured down the Cape with Conor and Caden. Jim's parents watched them for the afternoon and took them to a beach nearby in Hyannis. Jim and I used his Uncle's jeep wrangler and we drove onto the beach at Sandy Neck. What a cool experience. We've never driven ON the beach in the Cape before. We loved it.
After we put the boys to bed, we made some dinner and enjoyed some of our favorite Napa wine. We couldn't decide between the 2009 Gnarly Vine (black label, on the left) or the William Hill Bench Blend from 2010 - the year we got married. We ended up going with the Gnarly Vine. And at the advice/suggestion of some of our friends, we will open the other bottle when we close on our house! Thanks, guys. :)
We had the wine in these fun glasses that my sister got us for Christmas a few years ago. They are adorable -- and perfect for the occasion!
Jim surprised me with this necklace he bought at his favorite jewelry store in Cambridge. Don't ask me how he manages to pull these surprises off...
Here's to the next 50+ years! Love you!
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