House Developments...
Hi Everyone!! Happy FRIDAY!
In my last post, I told you to stay tuned to see the housewarming present that Auntie Chrissy and Auntie Linny bought for the boys. Here they are!! New cozy coupe push cars! They bought them two which was SO nice and thoughtful of them. However, we currently only have one assembled. Believe it or not, there are about a bazillion pieces to these things. They take a lot of time to put together.
Here's Conor having a turn....Caden's trying to sneak in!
And Caden having a turn! You can tell Con is a little distraught by letting Caden use the car. Afterall, Conor LOVES steering wheels. We gotta get on assembling the second one...stat!
I can't tell you guys how much they love going outside on the deck. Something about fresh air and the different noises out there. They love it. And they are so independent going inside and outside the house.
We have been spending the evenings at our house while Grampa paints. I pick the boys up from daycare and venture over to the house. It's still fairly empty and there's no wifi/TV - but we enjoy it over there. It's a nice change. And when the boys want their bottles, I put them in the pack n play because it's safer than having free range of a house with wet paint!! It's so cute -- they cuddle up together and drink their bottles. They are getting so big to share a pack n play. I sometimes throw in a few of those "o-balls" I blogged about in my New Parent Must Haves for 9-12 month olds. Then they throw the balls out and wait for me to throw it back. We are already playing catch! ;)
A quick fun ride with Grampa!! They LOVED this!
Grammy helped with dinner a few nights this week. With everything going on with the move and working, it's hard to find time to cook! She made chicken and baby carrots - with some applesauce on the side. And of course we had yogurt for dessert. Check out the "plates" the boys are using...tupperware tops! Haha.
Katie P came over last night to check out our new house and we gave the boys their baths when we got back to my parents. They loved playing with the much fun!
That's all for now. Just wanted to post a quick update. My Dad painted the entire living room/dining room/kitchen ceiling, as well as the whole living room wall color. It needed tons of touch ups - so we decided to paint over everything in the living room. Standby for PICS!
Enjoy the weekend! My cousin Jessica surprised me with a ticket to see Zac Brown tomorrow night at Fenway with her. She got tickets through her radio station at 101.7 THE BULL...tune in, she's on air right now!!
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