Happy Birthday, Grampa and Grammy!!

Last night my Mom, Dad, Chrissy, and Lindsey came over our house to celebrate my Dad turning the big 6-0. My mom's birthday is now today (happy birthday!!) so all in all, it was a fun celebratory night!

In honor of my Dad's birthday, we had his most favorite things for him -- scali bread with butter, shrimp cocktail, chicken marsala, cannolis from Roma's. We also gave him scratchies, dunkin donuts gift cards, capital grille gift cards, and steak/steak tips from the Boston Public Market I wrote about a few days ago. I think he loved his bday!!
Here's the birthday boy coming over last night. He thought he and my mom were going out to dinner but instead, we all celebrated at my place for the evening, played with C and C, listened to music, enjoyed dinner and dessert. It was fun.
We had a few decorations and played "Who Let the Dogs Out" when he arrived at my house. For those of you who know my dad, you know that song is an old fav of his...

Here's the shrimp cocktail appetizer.

And here's the chicken marsala cooking -- I made two dishes: one with mushrooms and one without. I also supplemented the marsala wine by adding a bit of pinot grigio, EVOO, butter, and a bit of chicken stock. Everyone loves the sauce, so you need to make sure you make enough!

Conor and Caden played outside with their Aunties, Daddy, and Grandparents until it was time for dinner. They were great and had so much fun on the hammock with everyone.

We sadly didn't take any pictures of us having dinner - so here we will skip straight to dessert. My mom ordered this adorable chocolate cake which was the perfect size for the group we had. It was delicious...and cute!

We sang "Happy Birthday" to Dad of course!

 Cake for Conor with Daddy!

 Milk for Caden with Auntie Chrissy!

Auntie Lindsey is the best! We love her. :)

Being silly with Grampa and Auntie Chrissy.

I had such a good time last night. It was fun, relaxing, and everyone was in a good mood (specifically referring to C and C). Thanks everyone for coming and hope Dad and Mom had/have happy birthdays!

SIDE NOTE: Also of major interest right now, is all things FALL since today is the first day of the new season. I came across yet another blog post by the Boston City Moms Blog about a list of fall things to do. They categorized the items based on things to do at home, or out on the town. I am thinking of going to some of the fall events throughout 10/10-10/12 at the Lawn on D in Boston, like this Punkpin Fest. Check it out!

All for now,
PS. #tbt and HAPPY BIRTHDAY today to my Mom!! Here we are in 2013 at the St Patricks Day Parade in South Boston...at Chrissy's old apartment. :)


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