Horn Pond and Napa Wine... yes please!

We walked around Horn Pond Sunday night because quite frankly, we all needed out of the house. It was surprisingly a mild day, and we finished watching the Pats game...so it was time for a walk.

The boys had a great morning shopping at Market Basket, playing on the swing set, visiting with Grammy, Grampa, and Auntie Theresa, and then had an amazing nap...almost 2.5 hours. When they woke, they were definitely sick of the house. So we decided to walk Horn Pond! It was a beautiful night.

I put the boys 3 month hats on their heads to keep them warm - haha they fit! Sort of...

Cozy with our blankets and stuffed animals. :)

Enough riding around in the stroller, we want to walk ourselves!

They were real tired after that. We had a nice little bedtime routine and they didn't make a peep. Here are my sleeping little twin boys....so sweet, so cozy, so perfect.

Mommy had been cooking a pork and veggies all day long - so we indulged with a little 2012 Louis Martini Meritage. It retails for $65 - link to the website below. It was one of our favs! Such a relaxing night sipping wine by our new fireplace. How did we get so lucky???


Til next time....


P.S. One year ago today, we were touring the US Capitol Building. We went from touring the Capitol, to strolling Horn Pond! ;)


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