How we spend our weekends...

The pictures below are pretty self explanatory of how we spend our days and weekends in MA. The boys, like I've said before, are completely in love with their swing set. They both love swinging in their swings so much. When we get home from daycare, they guide me into the backyard and I know they can't wait to get on their swings. Caden LOVES going down the slide. He can't get enough of it. Conor likes to stand on the top and give Caden a push -- he doesn't really love going down the slide on his own. He will however, enjoy it when we make him slide down. It just takes a little bit of effort. ;)

We just got this hand-me-down tractor from a friend. And although they have to share it (we tend to have two of everything to avoid the fights and tantrums, but they need to learn to share - so this is good), they love it. Who doesn't love new toys?

Fall in New England!  Enough said.

The boys have been playing together and talking to each other a ton lately. Like - it's drastically increased in just a week. And they love chasing each other, grabbing each other's shoulders like a little choo choo train, and playing hide and seek. I hope you all saw the video of their choo choo attempt the other night. HA!

"Saturday's a rugby day"!!

We went to Daddy's rugby game yesterday at MIT. They played Harvard. I was of course on the opposite side of the field as Jim, so we didn't see him too much - but it was fun nonetheless. The boys loved running all over the field, they loved the flags, and they loved the rugby ball. Caden liked the ball more than Conor (shocking).

And Sunday's a cooking day. ;)

Currently in my oven, I have a pork loin with rosemary, garlic, olive oil, onion, salt, and pepper. I added carrots and sweet potatoes to have on the side. It smells incredible. I basically chopped everything up and threw it all in the oven to roast for a few hours. I plan to take the pork out soon, so they veggies can soften up a bit. I skipped dicing the sweet potatoes this round, because I've made so many lately. I feel like I am developing carpel tunnel. So I wait for the soften and give them a quick mash/chop when they are done so I can serve them. It's all super easy and makes for a perfect fall home-cooked meal.

I boiled some pastrami to make yummy, salty, hot pastrami sandwiches for lunch on this rainy cool fall day.

And this ridiculous trifle for dessert. I made brownies yesterday, and pudding who wouldn't layer the two together with some cool whip? I mean, duh. YUM!

And mimosas to have during the game. Cheers to you all! And GO PATS!!!



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