We love our Grampa!!!

This post is dedicated to Grampa aka my dad. 

Ever since I was little, my dad has always been the fun, outgoing, family jokester that everyone gets a kick out of. Growing up, he never missed a sporting event of Chrissy's or mine, or my dance recitals, or any other important life events. Even though he worked a lot when Chrissy and I were growing up (I give a LOT of credit to my mom), he still made it to the prom before pics, birthday celebrations, and most family holidays. Since we live nearby now, my Dad is taking full advantage of the fun day-to-day stuff and Conor and Caden love it. They love love love all their Grandparents.

Not only does my Dad play and have fun with C-Squared all the time, but he also has offered to come over while they're sleeping so Jim and I can go out for a date night. He constantly offers to do that, happily and without any reservations. And it's soooo appreciated. What parents of two one-year olds DON'T need or want a night out?! I mean, let's be real.

Also, my dad has helped us countless times with painting. He drove down to DC in 2008 to paint our first home. Then he painted the entire interior of the Cape house in 2011. And a few years ago, he flew out to LA to paint our condo before we put it on the market. Oh, and he just painted the ceilings, living room, and bedrooms in our new home in Woburn. And he also painted our new picnic table and the boys swing set! 

There's also been about a billion other things he's helped us with - like going to the car dealership with Jim to help him find a new (used) car, looking for a pool table for us to set up in the basement, meeting me at daycare to help me pick up the boys in the afternoon, and planning dinners out for all of us at the Chateau. Needless to say, we appreciate everything he does and we're so glad we are nearby so we can see him as often as we do. ;)

Here are a few more favs over the last year and a half.

The boys are so lucky to have all four of their grandparents in their lives and as close as they are to us now. We moved back home at the best possible time - we can tell the boys are so happy here.

Have a great weekend, everyone! We are off to watch Finding Nemo! :)

Shaz and the boys


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