Giving Back and Spending Time with Family

I love this quote. I found it on Pinterest one day while mindlessly looking around.

Giving Back:
We donated our 9 month coats to the Kiss 108 coat drive last weekend, 10/24. My cousin Jess on 101.7 The Bull mentioned that they needed children's coats at their three different locations. Since they were too small for the boys, I decided it would be nice to give them to other children who needed them. My mom brought them over last Saturday while the boys were napping. And in return for donating them, we received four tickets to Edaville Railroad and Thomas Land. The boys are a little young to visit these parks, but they like watching all the trains on the PBS show so why not take them?? It's about an hour and a half from Woburn and about an hour from Hyannis -- so maybe we will go over Thanksgiving or something since it's free!

Nana bought us these really warm new coats!! How awesome are they?! They seem huge compared to the ones they were just wearing, but they are awesome. They're going to come in real handy this winter!

Nana also bought them these lighter 'fall' coats that they're using this season. They are perfect for when they go on their swings or for playtime outside at daycare. They are a little less bulky so they can move around and play. Thank you, NANA!!! We love them!

Spending Time with Family:

Caden's new thing is leaning is head into my lips when I want to give him a kiss. I pucker up and he leans in. He giggles and it’s the cutest. He knows that Mama wants a kiss so he is making me very happy.

The boys are still loving their books. My mom and Dad visited and read them each a few stories. That is Caden's favorite spot. :)

My parents came over the other night when Jim went to the Cape to do some yard work. He stayed overnight, so I needed a hand bathing the boys and putting them to bed. It was fun. My mom made an apple and pumpkin pie - here she is in action!

And my Dad hung out with Caden and Conor while we baked. They were in a little bit of a funk due to daylight saving time. They already seem to be in a better mood today. Yesterday was rough. I mean, really Caden? Is life really that bad??


And a few morning/breakfast pics that brighten my day. Conor goes to town when he sits down for a meal. He loves food. He is such a good eater. He always eats everything on his plate. He is so good. Caden, however, is a bit distracted. First, he tends to like liquids more than actual food. He likes milk, juice, water, anything...if it's in a sippy cup or a bottle (although he still does prefer his bottle). He likes to play with a toy at dinner and then slowly start eating when he's ready. Needless to say, you can see why my Baby A is still a little bigger than my Baby B. ;)

All for now!!


PS Flashback pic of Conor, Caden, and Tori back in March 2015, when the Boschs came down to DC to visit! They were so little (same PJs though!). Hehe.

PPS Halloween Post coming up next!! Standby.


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