Long Overdue Thanksgiving Recap!

We had a nice visit to Cape Cod for Thanksgiving - but sadly, the boys ended up being under the weather most of the time we were there. To be honest, we are still fighting some of those same sicknesses over here. Caden was SO over-the-top fussy during Thanksgiving dinner. For some reason, I found it double hard and stressful when you are around family. All you want is for your kids to be happy and healthy around other people (especially ones they don't see very often). You want their real personalities to shine and you want them to have fun and be fun, right? Well, this unfortunately didn't happen for us this Thanksgiving since they were feeling so poorly. I felt bad for them - and the best thing was for them to rest. Caden was sick overnight and throughout the next few days (after just coming off of another cold and pretty bad cough). And Conor ended up getting an ear infection and now has a horrible cough. He's on amoxicillin. Hopefully his cough settles down soon. It wakes him a lot throughout the night.

Anyway, the boys were at least very very happy when we took them outside in the Cape. I think they loved the fresh air, and all the smells and sounds. We spent a lot of time at the beach since it was BEAUTIFUL outside (and still is!). Here are a few of my favorite shots. Here's to C-Squared being a bit healthier this Christmas season. Fingers crossed! ;)

Conor having the time of his life!

And Caden having a blast at the beach, too!

Visiting the beach with Nana and Auntie Theresa! Everybody got their feet a little wet with the waves, hehe.

Marylous pic for Chrissy and Linds!

 A few beach favs of the kiddos...

We also found some time to take them to a merry go round in a mall in Hyannis. They LOVED it!

And C-squared in front of their Cape house! Two years ago, we made our pregnancy announcement with Jim and I holding two little "I Love Cape Cod" onesies standing in this exact same spot!

All for now. I hope you are all having a great weekend!


PS Flashback pic to Conor having his arm around Caden back when they were 8 months....and over Thanksgiving weekend at almost 19 months. He's so lovable and affectionate. He loves his brother so much.


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