Happy New Year!!! Here's to Baby C!!

I know I posted this last night on facebook, but I felt it was worth restating. 2015 was a great year for us as a family. Last year at this time, we didn't know where we were going to live, where we were going to be working, or if we were all going to end up in the same state. We were in living in DC and Jim's job at ExxonMobil was up in the air. The office was closing the Fairfax, VA, location and everyone was moving to Houston. We of course did not want to move to TX and didn't really want to stay in the DC area either with two 7 month old babies. After lots and lots of strategic planning and various quick-thinking moves, Jim landed a new job in Bedford, MA, and I transferred with my job to the Boston office. 

As I've mentioned about 3,000 times since May, we are so happy to be back home to MA and we've had lots of fun celebrating new beginnings with family and friends in our new home. Now, we are looking forward to 2016 and welcoming Baby C to the Phelan family!!! I am due in July and I don't think we are planning to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl. This will be fun!

Here's the photo I shared last night.

Because remember, Conor was my Baby A and Caden was my Baby B...

And also, here are some hilarious out takes last night when we were trying to take pics.

Aunties Lindsey and Chrissy got the boys these adorable scally caps for Christmas. I just LOVE them. Daddy and Grampa have the same one. Jim got his in Ireland - and all four are the same brand.

To close out 2015, here are my fav instagram pics - a little collage! Happy New Year, Everyone!

Shaz, A, B, & C! ;)


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