Donuts and Firetrucks!! Happy Sunday.

Yup.  You read that right.  This weekend involved some chocolate frosted donuts and Conor and Caden's first real live firetruck experience (not in that order). ;)

I accompanied Chrissy to her dress fitting yesterday afternoon, and my mom offered to take the boys to her house so they could nap. I left around 11:30 and the boys slept from 12-2ish. I then headed back to pick them up around 3. In that one hour they were actually awake while I was gone, apparently a big firetruck drove down my parents street and the boys had a field day!!! They were able to go inside, sit in the driver's seat, play with the steering wheel, and try on some hats. Really? I was only gone a few hours and I missed it!!

On Sunday morning my Dad stopped by our house and he brought me a chocolate frosted donut. He also brought the boys some munchkins. He's the best. I shared my donut with Caden and Conor -- that is all the same ONE donut in the below three pics. Conor was clearly a little more adventurous than Caden.

I guess I will work backwards through this weekend blog post. On Friday night, I made the most amazing salmon dinner. I heated up some EVOO, onions, and then tossed in almost a pound of salmon -- skinned. I let it cook for about 10 minutes and flipped it. I then diced up some yellow bell pepper, diced apples, and scallions for color. I covered it and continued to let it simmer for another 10 minutes or so. I also boiled some water for baby carrots to add to our dinner and also for the boys to enjoy. They LOVE carrots. And I made some rosemary/olive oil quinoa.

I gave the boys some ziti with marinara sauce, bits of salmon, and baby carrots. They didn't LOVE the salmon, but I witnessed a few bites and that's all I can ask for.

Here's the finished product. I placed the quinoa on the bottom, sliced up the baby carrots, tossed it together and placed the salmon on top. I then garnished it with some crushed red pepper flakes for a little zing. It more flavorful than I imagined it would be. The apples complimented the savory quinoa nicely.

Saturday morning we woke up early and we were outside playing by 7AM. I let Jim sleep in and took the boys for about a mile walk in the wagon. Then Jim miraculously met up with us down the road and pulled the wagon on the walk back home -- very grateful for that. :):):):)

We found sticky sappy branches and carried them the whole way home! Yay!

Then Grammy paid us a visit - she stopped by to hang and help me a bit with things around the house before the boys went to her house for their nap. Conor is in front of her, and Caden was by the other window. She was saying "hi" back and forth with Caden.

We also made a quick stop to visit Daddy at work later on Saturday afternoon...about 4:30 or so. The boys liked seeing his office.

And we made a quick run to BJs today before we picked up our Peapod. We are stocked for the week!! Good thing because Jim takes the bar exam this week so we need to have all the food/juice/diapers/snacks/milk in the house as possible. GOOD LUCK JIMBO!!!!!!

All for now. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


PS Here's a little flashback comparison pic - the boys in their nursery in DC, and the boys here in their room now. I think maybe 10 months vs 20 months would be accurate. Top pic Caden is on the left, bottom pic Conor is on the left.


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