Mama Mondays!

Mondays are my favorite. I know that may seem contradictory to the common person...but it's the one weekday where I am able to spend time with my boys. Granted, I don't have every Monday off (even though I would love that), but I have every other Monday off and for that, I am grateful. I love my day with them.

With that said, this Monday felt different. The reason for that is we have taken a little break from Early Intervention. While I am still an advocate for the program and think it works wonders for some families - I feel we have a lot going on, and I personally needed a little break. There have been some scheduling issues lately and lots of time spent (too much time spent) with visits from their SLP and others. Honestly, between you and I, I need a break.

I want my Mondays back. I want to be able to play games with them, go on walks with them, take a ride with them, run some errands -- and NOT feel so constricted with their schedule. I am already a stickler when it comes to their nap, so not being able to do anything in the morning was giving me some serious cabin fever. And also, it was getting to a point where their SLP would come at 8:45AM, and then shortly after that, we would have another visit from another specialist at 10AM. Their SLP mentioned that C and C play more with toys than people (to me - it's great and it means they are independent and have great attention spans). But she had someone else come by on Mondays at 10AM to work with the boys. Therefore, it was almost 3 consecutive hours of having visitors and specialists and quite frankly, I have had enough. I didn't agree with some of her opinions and I think it's best we all take some time apart for the time being.

Back to MY Mondays. :) Selfishly, I want my Mondays all to myself. The boys are growing like weeds and I want more time with them. Week nights and weekends aren't enough. So, this Monday, we had some quality Mama time and I loved it.

I took the boys to the petstore - might as well be the aquarium. They LOVE it there.

We went for a walk, on the first day of SPRING, and it was this cold...

We tried getting Mommy some new glasses. Mission: SUCCESSFUL! I will pick them up sometime this week. Dad did a good job keeping the boys busy while I tried some on and got measured. They also fixed my ray ban prescription sunnies! Super win win win win!

Each night when I go to bed (around 9ish), I check the boys to make sure they are good. They usually have blankets covering their faces, or they use their blankets as pillows...haha. Maybe I should get them a pillow? Fellow Mamas - when does a child start using a pillow?!

Anyway, Caden looked like this, which made me giggle.

And Conor looked like this...

But before all that, we played with some Easter eggs that we found in the kitchen cabinets. They were being tucked away until the Easter Bunny came on Sunday. It made for some fun playtime though. Me and Jim bought the boys some green toy wheel barrows for Easter -- and I'm planning to fill them with some Easter eggs, candy, and bubbles! I am excited for them to check them out. :)

All for now!



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