Cape Cod FUN and MA Bar Exam Results!!!

We spent the weekend in Cape Cod - gearing up for renters and getting the house ready for the summer. We had SO much fun. The weather wasn't the most cooperative on Saturday, but Sunday was beautiful. A little cool but it was sunny and nice. The boys had such a busy day on Sunday, they were outside most of the morning with Jim's parents and brother, while we did some landscaping in our front yard. They were sort of floating back and forth between the houses. It was cute. I can tell they are getting real comfortable down there. Surprisingly, they didn't  nap either day! So at 4PM on Sunday, this is what my house looked like...

Jim drove down Friday night so he could get a head start on his projects Saturday morning. The boys and I drove down on Saturday late morning, and  were wide awake the whole time. We arrived around 1PM. We played and enjoyed some time with Jim's parents. It was pretty rainy and chilly out, so time was mostly spent indoors. The boys love that they have a whole new set of toys when they arrive there.

This pic was taken late Saturday afternoon after the rain finally stopped. Jim and his brother Joe were installing some new storm doors (which look amazing by the way), and Mama needed to keep the boys busy so they didn't get hurt around the door installation. Last minute, I threw their bikes in my car and I am so glad I did. It was so fun!

Then Jimbo's uncles came by our house, since they were down the Cape for a golf tournament. They offered to help demolish the shed which was amazing because it came down in two seconds. It went MUCH faster than just Jim and Joe. I took the pic through the boys bedroom, so don't mind the screen. ;)

After pic of the backyard!

The boys LOVED watching!

Then Caden found this adorable little adirondack chair - which I'm pretty sure is like a coaster or something. It's really small. He apparently thought it was HIS chair. I'm surprised it didn't break.

Then Sunday morning arrived! The boys slept great. We had to move one of the twin beds (that we just got ready for the renters) to put the boys pack n plays up. It's pretty easy - we actually set up one of the pack n plays inside one of the twin bed frames.


The boys and I walked to the beach Sunday morning while Jim took a ride to the dump and got rid of everything from the shed demolition. 

On our walk, we found a turkey!!! Conor said "quack quack quack" when he saw it. This thing was massive.

After the dump, Jim drove down to Keyes Beach and met us...and we all walked around and found some shells. Caden loved it, but Conor was a bit chilly and wanted to be held. 

We got back to the house and the boys spent a few hours at Jim's parents place while we went to Home Depot to get mulch and plants to do our front yard. We brought the boys back over to our house around 1PM for a nap, but they just giggled in their room the whole time. So I eventually gave in and put on some Daniel Tiger. They snuggled on the couch and me and Jim were outside doing the lawn. Windows were open, and we could see them (and hear them) the whole time. It worked out really well!

I planted some marigolds and put them out on the deck. I also bought some basil, but I forgot to plant it. Hopefully it doesn't die in the backyard.

Jim was spreading the mulch while I weeded a bit and watered the hydrangeas out front. It's not a drastic difference, but we wanted to spruce it up a bit.

We also bought some grass seed to plant in the front yard again. The front yard gets a TON of sun, so the grass tends to burn off and die. I will post more pics as the summer approaches.

Then we removed all the leaves and debris from the hydrangeas, watered them, added some miracle grow, and put mulch around them to make them pop. Unfortunately no after pic here. They will look better this summer. Stay tuned!

After our big landscaping project, we brought the boys downtown for some ice cream!

Then we drove over to Veterans Beach where there is a  nice park for the kids. It's close to the Hyannis Yacht Club (HYC) and a JFK Memorial. There is also a shaded area with tons of picnic tables and grills to spend the day having a picnic. The boys weren't very entertained though, and passed right out! Then we brought them out and they snoozed with me on the couch for a bit before driving back to Woburn. Overall, a very fun filled weekend.

In other exciting news. Jim passed the Massachusetts Bar Exam!!!!!!! YAY JIM!!! I didn't have a doubt in my mind, but it was nice to see the official letter in my hand. :) Way to go, Jim! We are all so so so proud of you!

All for now. Have a great week everyone! We are off to our first dentist appointment today!



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