First Time at the Dentist!

On Monday, we had our first dentist appointment. The pediatric dentist was great - as soon as we walked in the room, he asked if we wanted him to put on the boys favorite show, Daniel Tiger. That way, we were able to talk a bit about what we were going to do that day - and also signs and things to look out for over the next few years.

The dentist was very informative and gave me a lot of information regarding their teeth now at this age, how and when they jaw line will grow, how many teeth they have (16!), and that they're getting their two year molars now. He also said - without even asking me - that their mouths are identical. He knew right away they were identical twins based on their mouths and teeth! How funny.

Here we were in the waiting room...

The boys were pretty tired after their appointment. We came home, ate some lunch and played upstairs a bit before going down for a nap. Their naps were a bit later than usual, and they didn't want to wake up! I tried waking them at 3:30 (because bedtime is at 7) and no one moved.

I opened the shades, removed their blankets, and turned off their sound machine...and still nothing!


Finally!! AWAKE at 4pm! haha time to playyyyy.

We did a few errands - we went to the grocery store, and FedEx, and then got some pizza for dinner! Then we played outside while I weeded a few spots in my front yard.

After doing so much yard work down the Cape, I felt like our Woburn house needed a little something. The boys loved running around. Then they had baths and were in bed by 7:45pm or so. All in all, a fun and different day! Now it's back to the regular grind.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday!



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