8 Months Pregnant Today!!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend (officially)!

I wore this outfit to work yesterday - I am 8 months pregnant today! HA. I didn't look like this with the twins. I feel like I can finally see a significant difference between a twin pregnancy and a singleton. I am feeling really good, especially in the mornings. But anytime after 2-3PM, forget it. I am very uncomfortable and tired. Maybe my next post will be a pregnancy update questionnaire.

I am out here on my deck with my cherubs and Jimbo. We came outside at about 7:30AM. It was 70+ degrees so how do you not go outside that early??  I love that we are home - I was able to vacuum my den and living room this morning, and also clean my kitchen floor - which was WAY overdue. Now we're having some coffee outside and watching these two have a blast with their water table birthday present.

I feel like I JUST wrote about how childhood needs to be simpler and slower - and that kids would rather play in a cardboard box at home and do nothing, rather than run around going to playdates and parties. And sure enough, this massive box came to the house and the boys are obsessed with it. This was last night. Nothing says summer nights much like diapers-only and cardboard boxes on the deck.


Mommy and daddy enjoyed some "mojitos" on the deck - Jim's is an actual mojito, mine is of course a mocktail. It was refreshing though! Mint from my garden!!

I made "Memorial Day" pancakes this morning....they have red in them!

Have a great day everyone!



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