Conor and Caden turn TWO!!!

We celebrated Conor and Caden all weekend. Starting on Cinco de Mayo on Thursday. We originally were planning on having the boys on 5/5/14 but apparently the operating room was all booked up, so we scheduled them on Tuesday 5/6/14. So let the celebrations begin! *These are booze.

Then on Friday, they had a little birthday celebration at school, which was so thoughtful of Meryem. The boys go to Le Creche Daycare in Burlington (she has a site on if you are looking for childcare. She is wonderful). Friday night, we packed a picnic, had some food and played outside, and then opened some presents at home. It was a real nice night.

First solo pics as two year olds...

Look what they had when we arrived at school!

And then on Saturday, my family came over and we had a nice dinner and opened more presents. Here is their second birthday Daniel Tiger cake! Conor kept saying "Birthday Cake...mmmmm". It was real cute.

Here's a pic of Con with his cake....
 And Caden with his cake...

We had a BBQ steak dinner with my mom and dad, Chrissy and Linds, and the boys! Great size group. The boys were so happy and in great moods. We had steak, a broccoli casserole, mashed potatoes, corn, and marinated chicken. We also celebrated Mother's Day and Chrissy's birthday that's this Friday, 5/13. We all exchanged gifts. I loved every minute of it.

For an appetizer, I made Mussels Bianco! It was basically EVOO and some garlic in a saute pan, then I added the mussels, some white wine, fresh basil, salt and pepper. I let it cook on high for about 8 minutes and served piping out. They were real good!

Aunties Chrissy and Lindsey got the boys a GRILL for their birthday! They were cooking right alongside Daddy. They love it. I can't wait for warm weather and they can use it all summer.

After we ate, it was time for CAKE! The boys started poking at it and were real interested since it had a picture of their favorite on it - Daniel.

Time to blow out the candles!

All for now. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend - especially all the Moms!


PS Flashback pic to when Con and Cay visited the Cape when they were real little!


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