Fathers Day Weekend Recap

Father's Day weekend was very nice. I feel like it was ages ago, yet also feel like it was just yesterday. This week has FLOWN by. It is crazy to think I am 9 months pregnant tomorrow.

I know it's a little bit delayed, but I wanted to write a little blurb about our Father's Day weekend. On Friday, my friend Katie P came over for dinner. She helped me with the boys, while I made some chicken marsala, and she helped with baths, story time and bedtime. They loved her!! They both cozied right up and listened as she read them bedtime stories.

Then on Saturday, we visited John and Suz to see their new house in Mansfield. The boys had an absolute blast running around their new house and playing with Tori. Suz and I were talking about how amazing the Fourth of July weeks are going to be in the future because all the kiddos are going to play so well together.

And on Sunday, my mom accompanied me to swim lessons with the boys and then we went to a family BBQ. We made a little pitstop at Dunkin Donuts. The boys loved sitting at the counter. They thought they were so grown up! It was a fun, busy weekend!

I hope all the Dads out there enjoyed their weekend! All for now...



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