Cal's First Trip to Boston!
We survived our first trip to Boston with all three kids. Here I am with my boys....Con in the back, Cal in the carrycot, and Caden in front.
We spent the day at the Rose Kennedy Greenway park - which has water fountains for the kids to run around in. There is also a big open grass area where people can lay out and enjoy the outdoors. We decided to go into Boston to get out of the house and do something different. We figured the splash park area would keep the boys cool, rather than going to a regular park where they would be in the sun and hot from climbing all over the place.
This is how we started our day - we had french toast for breakfast...Cal even joined us! I had many inquiries about this bassinet when I posted it on instagram. It's actually called a "carrycot" and it was an add-on to my double stroller when the twins were babies. The brand is Mountain Buggy. You can find it here. There is a duet carrycot that I was thinking about getting for the boys, but I figured if I had another child, then opting for the single one would be the wiser decision. I am glad I did. There's a pic below of Cal in the carrycot in the stroller.
Here's the park.
Jim and the boys...
A few action shots...
Mom and Cay...
Dad and Con...
Mom and Cal...
Chrissy and Linds said they wanted to meet up with us - they live so close! As they were walking towards us, I noticed that Lindsey's brother Matt and sister Kelly were with them! Sibling dayyyy!!!
Con and Auntie Chrissy...two peas in a pod.
They offered to watch the boys for a bit so we could quickly grab some lunch. We bought some subs at Bricco and then stopped at the roofdeck at Fiore's for a beer. Fun unexpected pit stop!
Thanks guys for meeting up and offering to watch our boys! They loved spending time with their aunties -- and extended aunt/uncle kel and matt! ;)
Hope everyone has a great week ahead.
PS Flashback pics of the boys in the carrycots back in DC, 2014.
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