C + C Adventures with Grammy!!

This post goes out to my mom...Grammy!!  We had such a fun day on Wednesday - our third day of our daily adventures. We were originally planning on visiting the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem. But turns out we had speech that morning (I forgot about our speech session since they are usually at daycare).

So we had speech from 9:30 to 10:30 and then my mom and I headed north. She helped me a lot getting ready, changing everyone's diapers, and packing up. As we were driving, we decided against the museum and to instead go to Salem Willows since the weather was beautiful. What a FUN day we had!! My mom said it was her favorite day yet. The boys were sooooo well behaved. They listened, they walked well with us, and it was adorable watching them play and run around. It was so much fun. Cal did great, too!

Here are a few photos from our day in Salem. What beautiful weather we had...

After we spent some time walking around and enjoying the view, we decided to go on some rides! They were a little nervous - this was their first time on a ride other than a merry-go-round, but they warmed up pretty well.

Then we got home, had a little rest, and went back outside to play...

Cal loves laying on his belly! He looks so comfy.

Caden is such a ham in front of the camera. He just loves seeing his own face on camera. He makes the funniest faces.

All for now. Thank you to Grammy for such a wonderful day!


PS Stay tuned to hear where we went yesterday! :)


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