Jim Comes Home Tonight!!

For the past few days, I have been trying to picture how life will be when I have all three boys home with me. In a couple weeks, we are pulling Conor and Caden out of daycare to stay home with me and Cal - mainly because I am going on leave without pay. Frankly, we can't afford two daycare payments if I am not getting paid. Therefore, I will have all the boys home with me for a few months until I go back to work. At that point, Conor and Caden will start preschool...and Cal will go to the daycare that C and C are at now. Timing is all still up in the air - but that's our tentative plan.

Anyway, I have been trying to come up with craft projects, places to take the kids, and ideas to keep them busy and entertained this fall. I found a few crafts on pinterest, and my mom and I took them to the library the other day after we picked them up from daycare. They loved the magnets and blocks and books there. Here are some pics from the library.

Another idea I have for when I am home with all the boys is to take them to the early intervention play groups/classes that they have at their location in Woburn. I haven't been able to do so yet because you need to commit to attending weekly. Since I work full time, I haven't been able to attend. There are different music classes that have a speech component. I think Conor and Caden would love them. Plus, the class that we are going to try is put on by their SLP, Genevieve!

I also have a lot of pregnant friends and friends who currently have children. Therefore, I am hoping for a lot of get togethers in the next few weeks/months. Just yesterday, Cal and I visited my friend Suz and her new daughter McKenzie. Suz and her husband John are also parents to 2.5 year old Tori. Needless to say, our children are pretty much the exact same age and it'll make for fun playdates in the future! (and fun cape trips!)

I left a bit later than I had originally planned because we were having so much fun -- and because Cal was snoozing and looked wicked comfy. There ended up being a lot of traffic, so here's to pumping while driving! HA. I am sure some of you fellow moms can relate. You just do what you need to do!! I forgot my hands free pumping bra though, so it made it a little more difficult than it needed to be. But it worked out. Success!

I also want to thank my mom for spending a few nights here this week to help Conor, Caden, Cal and I while Jim has been away. "Grammy" has been super helpful with bath time and also instrumental with daycare drop offs in the morning. I usually have to feed Cal at the same moment the boys need to be at school, so having her help was huge. Also - she dropped off several grocery items for us all week (milk, bananas, veggies, etc). I am very appreciative, especially for the ice cream you dropped off last night! HA!!

Thanks MA!


PS In other news, I decided to work on a project while Jim was out of town. We had this eyesore of a firepit in our backyard. We both wanted to get rid of it - but frankly there has been no time to do it. So one night when Chrissy was entertaining the boys on the swings, we moved the big heavy blocks away, sifted out the dirt, and put down some seed. I've been watering it all week since I shut the sprinkler system off. Progress!!

Here is a before pic -- off to the left.

And then me watering the seed immediately after I put it down.

And current pic as of yesterday. I see a few pieces of grass popping through! This was just three days or so too.


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