Our New Favorite Spot - Hidden Gem!

On Thursday, I was extremely adventurous and took the boys up to Beverly myself - to my old stompin grounds when I went to Endicott. Chrissy and I both went to Endicott and we lived in an apartment near Dane Street beach. We would sometimes go there with friends and also sometimes bring Peanut there.

Anyway, while my mom and I were in Salem on Wednesday, we looked out towards the water and saw a beach in Beverly across the way. After doing a bit of research, I realized it was Dane Street beach - where we used to go. I remember the tide going out REAL far, so I figured it would be safe for kids. And it turns out there's a new playground there for kids Conor and Caden's age up to maybe 6 or 7 or so.

But prior to leaving, here is how our morning at home looked...helpful big bros!

We left the house around 9:30AM and headed north. We drove about 25 min and arrived at the beach/playground. There is free street parking. The boys loved the playground.

Then we walked over to the water....which wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be! I left the stroller and all our shoes up by the playground area. Then walked with minimal items to the beach.

I wore Cal in the belephant carrier, so I was able to help them up the structures on the playground, push them on the swings, and hold their hands while we walked in the sand. And of course snap a few selfies.

My view of Cal in the wrap from above. It was so hot, so I just had a diaper on him. Ha.

When we got home, Daddy put together our new bikes!! They have a bell on them and everything. He made one with a righty bell and one with a lefty bell. I thought that was very thoughtful... :)

After making some homemade pizza last night for Conor and Caden's dinner and grilling turkey burgs last night with Shay and Kyle, we are now enjoying our Saturday. 

We are doing nothing except getting some stuff done around the house, and enjoying some time with C, C, and C!

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend, too!! It's beautiful out. :)



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