Visit to the Children's Museum - BOSTON!

Daycare is closed this week - so I have been trying to do one activity/outing a day in order to keep busy [and stay sane]. :)

Today, I brought the boys to the Children's Museum in Boston. I registered for discounted tickets at the Woburn Public Library, so it was 50% off each ticket. The museum is super close to Jim's office so he came by and hung out for about 30 minutes. The museum was great because they had a 0-3 age group fenced in room that the boys could play in and be safe. I wore Cal all day so I basically didn't even need to worry about him. Here are some pics from our adventure today. What fun!!

All of us in the elevator about to start our day...

At the Children's Museum! This play area was fantastic for toddlers. I loved it.

We left the museum around 1:30 and had a little lunch/snack out front. I fed Cal and the boys had a few small things to eat. I really just wanted them to rest - which they did. Conor seemed a lot more tired than Caden, he was a tad fussy. But once we started moving again, we were good. I called Linds to see if she wanted to meet up and see the boys. We met at Flour and I got the boys a cookie, and myself a sandwich. I was starving and really needed to

They loved these lemon slices more than the cookie I got them!!! HA. People thought they were hilarious.

Linds snapped a few pics on our way to our parking garage...

Bahahaha car pics!

And yesterday, I visited a park/splash pad in Waltham with my high school friend Shayna and her sister. They each have children around the boys age, so it made for an eventful and fun afternoon. Here are a few pics from the day!

They weren't exactly loving the water at the splash pad, lol. They liked the playground more.

After the park....I snuck Cal in while Con was sleeping.

And Cay....haha.

Cal enjoying his crib!

 And lastly, here are a couple outfits that Jim got the boys from China! HA. I just love them. And they are actually super comfortable. I can tell the boys love wearing them.


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