How Can You Tell Them Apart??

If only I had a nickle for every time people asked me that question...

It's hilarious because to me (and Jim), they look and act completely different. Don't get me wrong, I have confused them - but it is typically when I am calling them from the back or if they have a hat or hood on. For the most part, I know who is who, from their physique to their cries, their personalities and their adorable little voices. Last year around this time, I blogged about spending time with them individually. I loved re-reading that post. I have to be honest, I haven't been doing great at spending individual time with them, but I will refocus and make it a goal of mine. I think they are getting to an age where they really need it.

Well, in honor of their last day of daycare today (ah!!), I am writing this emotional post for my two big boys, Conor and Caden. They started daycare on June 2, 2015. We had just moved home to MA from DC. We moved in with my parents in their 3BR cape cod style house in Woburn (4 adults, 2 toddlers, and 2 dogs!). We were very grateful for that time, because we were able to wait it out and buy a home we both really loved. We then moved into our home in August, and only a few months later, I became pregnant with Cal. Things have been hectic to say the least - but we are a happy, loving, busy little family.

First Day of Daycare: June 2, 2015 - Conor top, Caden bottom.

Last Day of Daycare: September 30, 2016 - Conor in black hood, Caden in orange hood.

Here is a photo of Conor with an apple from last year this time, and today.

Conor is my sweet, thoughtful, loving, kind, free spirit, giggly little guy. He loves individualized, calmer type of play. He loves shakers. And he loves when you say his name - even more so when you say his nickname "Con Con". He loves to wave and say "Hi Mommy" and "Hi Daddy" and does so until he gets a response. He is so thoughtful - whenever there are two of anything (two apples, two toys, two straws, two cups) he will bring the other over the Caden and say "Here, Caden!". His favorite color is PINK!

Here is a photo of Caden with an apple from last year this time, and today.

Caden is my curious, adventurous, loving, daring, sweet, determined little boy. He loves to laugh wicked hard, play rough, give mommy kisses, and be adventurous. I love his curiosity and determination. He is also very athletic and strong! He loves doing tumbles and somersaults. He can almost do a full "flip" on the rings outside on the swingset, he can bring his legs up so high using his abs! He favorite colors are GREEN and BLUE!

Look at these two? They are the best big brothers any mom could dream of....

Cal, you seriously hit the lottery with these two as your big bros! :)

All for now. Happy Friday everyone!!



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