Something Different for Dinner!

Chrissy and Lindsey came over for dinner last night - believe it or not to celebrate Cal being born! This summer has just flown by; we are just now getting together when he is 8 weeks old. Crazy, right?!

I have been sick of making my usual dinners that I make when people come over. I think it's a good idea to have 3-4 staple dishes that you are real good at making. That way, when people come over, you are comfortable cooking while socializing/hosting (instead of trying to read a recipe, collect your ingredients, all the while getting distracted and ruining the new dish). Rather, you will feel confident and you'll hit it out of the park. Plus, you can enjoy yourself more! After all, isn't that the point?

Then it hit me. What would I like to eat?? There is not much I enjoy more than going out with a bunch of friends and sharing tons of small plates/tapas, while enjoying some really delicious wine. SO since I can't go out for tapas and wine much these days, that's exactly what I made. I went to the store and bought tons of different things, and made various different dishes that we could all share. It wasn't fancy and nothing really looked pretty - but it was fun, and different, and that was the point!

On the menu? Let's start with dessert. This credit goes to Shayla and Kyle - who came over the other night and made these AMAZING homemade ice cream sandwiches. These were awesome and so simple. And they paired perfectly with our chilled dessert wine. :)

Here, I will list it out the rest...

  • Sauteed sockeye salmon with "salsa" - red bell pepper, onion, apple, EVOO, salt and pepper.
  • Roasted brussels sprouts with bacon
  • Extra bacon slices - because why not? ;)
  • Blanched broccolini with salt, pepper, crushed red pepper, and lemon zest
  • Grilled NY strip steak sliced with sauteed mushrooms and caramelized onions
  • Roasted 'smashed' potatoes with EVOO, salt, and pepper
  • Boiled shrimp and gnocchi with homemade pesto, tomatoes, and lemon slices

Thanks to Linds for capturing these few pictures. I didn't even think to take any!

And here are a few pictures of Cal. He spent most of the dinner awake with us. He was so good.

This boy is chunking up and doing awesome. We just solidified his daycare for this winter when I go back to work. That's a relief. Also, the boys are enrolled to start preschool when Cal starts daycare (where the boys currently go). It is all falling into place and I am feeling really good about it. A big thanks to Jim for really working hard on all that...great job, Jimbo!!

He joined me for my cleaning at the dentist...he was wide awake! Haha wasn't planning on that...

And Conor and Caden these days!

When dinner was over - I went upstairs to put Cal down and check on the boys. Here they sweet. :)

I hope everyone has a wonderful day! I am off to meet some friends who have babies around Cal's age. Baby play date! Pics surely to follow.


PS Flashback pic of Conor and Caden in their stroller.


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