What a Weekend! #LDW

We had a busy Labor Day Weekend!! There were highs, lows, fun moments, and of course tantrums. We had visitors, we visited friends, we ventured into Boston, and we hung around the house. Here is a recap of our #ldw.

Saturday morning was cool out but really nice - so we spent a lot of time outside at the swing set.

Then it warmed up and the sun came out. Our neighbors were having a big volleyball party, so the boys watched from afar. I didn't want them to interfere with the games, so we just hung by the sidewalk. They loved being able to climb on the rocks.

Then some WPI friends, Tommy and Kaitlin came over with their one year old son, Max. All the boys got along wonderfully - it was so adorable.

Zete alums and future Zetes! HA.

We had a lobster dinner with some awesome Louis Martini wine, corn bread, corn on the cob, cole slaw, and lots and lots of butter. Yum! Thanks Dad for bringing the claw crackers over - even though you were napping. Much appreciated.

The following day, Jim and I went to Charlestown to show the boys the boats and play on an awesome playground nearby. It was fun! They liked the playground more than the walk in the stroller...

After visiting Charlestown, we stopped at my Aunt Kiki's house. She was having a bbq. One of my besties from LA, Nicole, came to visit. She met Cal and visited with C and C. She was one of the very first people I told I was pregnant with the twins....we were paddleboarding in Marina del Rey and I was about 6 weeks or something crazy early. I told her and Sarah right away! Now here she is with my third son. :)

My cousin Jodie was there with her four kiddos. They all get along sooo great. I think this is the most that C and C played with Jared, her youngest. Top pic is Caden, Jared, and Conor when the boys were about 1? So sometime last summer. And the bottom pic is Conor, Jared, and Caden on Sunday!

So to follow up on my 6 week postpartum visit. I unfortunately did NOT get the go ahead to workout. So instead of jumping into a workout routine with cardio, kettlebell swings, etc....I am still just walking and doing a few kettlebell deadlifts and presses. I don't even know if I am supposed to be doing that - but it's low impact and figure I need to get some sort of strength training in. My back has been hurting, so this may help. Cal watched.

 Lunchtime on Monday!

After lunch, we brought the boys to Beacon Hill...this was Jimbo and I on the walk over.

State House pic! Cal, Cay, Con...

New "Millennium Tower" building in downtown crossing.

On Beacon Street...the John Hancock in the background!

We finally made it to the park!! It's on Myrtle St in Boston. It has a ton of toys that people have "donated" to the park -- or left there. Either way, it is super fun and different for the boys. Con lovesssss steering wheels so he was having the time of his life.

They were so into the kitchen set there...it was adorable. My sister and I loved playing kitchen when we were younger.

And we LOVED playing catch!! They are getting really good at actually catching the ball.

Chrissy and Linds stopped by to visit with C, C, and C at the park!

And GOOD NIGHT! Ha, they fell asleep on the way home at about 4pm. Tough timing but they needed the rest.

Fun, busy weekend. We didnt get any pics of the meltdowns and tantrums, but trust me - they were very present. And I don't just mean from the boys....mama may have had a few low moments too. It was exhausting and a lot of work to pack, plan, carry, pump, and walk around all day, but looking back at the smiles and the memories, it was worth it. 

All for now...


PS Sleeping boys last night! Cal slept from 8:45PM to 3:15AM! Then he woke at about 6:45 this morning with C and C. Longest stretch and best night sleep yet. I sure needed it from the busy weekend we had!! 


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