A Tribute to Uncle John..

While there are SO many more memories and photos than I have, here's a quick trip down memory lane...

Starting with a pic of him and his siblings in presumably the late 1950s and then early 1960s??  Joan - help me out with these. :)

Then a pic of the Callahan cousins in the early 1990s at Papa's house in Waltham.

2007 at my cousin Kristin's wedding. Godfather/Goddaughter pic.

At my wedding in 2010

Meeting Conor and Caden in 2014. This is a picture of John and Caden.

And the Callahan brothers with their grandchildren at my house in 2015. This was before Cal!

On June 4 of this year, Jim and I hosted a little BBQ while Patrick and Michael were here in MA. They came up to MA from DC and went to a Sox game. It was Michael's birthday weekend.

Uncle John was showing everyone how to make his famous garlic grilled shrimp. Everyone was watching!

Group shot...sans John. I think he was inside resting.

Godfather/Godson pic

And then Aunt Julie had a BBQ around Father's Day.

A few of the cousins and Callahan aunts went out to dinner after the wake on Tuesday night. It was nice all chatting together.

Conor and Caden last minute decided to join us at the wake. I am glad they were able to meet some other Callahan relatives.

They were such great helpers with baby Cal.

My Dad and Jim at the Chateau - a Callahan favorite! :)

Dear Uncle John, you will be missed be so many of us. My Dad already mentioned that he has picked up the phone several times to give you a call. And I'm sure your children have done the same. We will hold on to the memories - and hopefully John Patrick can make me a batch of the famous eggplant parm. Watch over Patrick and Callie. RIP



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