Phelan Halloween 2016

Little bit of a delayed post on our Halloween and trick or treating but here is a family pic! I was a cat, Jim was Mario, Cal was a tiger (like Conor was two years ago) and Con and Caden were Home Depot workers. They did great. We rolled them around in the wagon from house and house and they got out and said "Trick or Treat" when they opened the door. It was so much fun. :)

Cal hated his costume at first...

He warmed up a bit. Conor was fascinated.

Then we made it over to Grammy and Papa's to trick or treat!

Grammy and the boys!

Cal did not enjoy being in the stroller. As soon as I wore him, he was thrilled and made it almost around the whole neighborhood. It was chilly though, so we brought him in. My mom fed him so we could finish up the trick or treating.

From the Woburn Halloween parade last Sunday...

We ironically started our Halloween day by going to the dentist...that's kind of an oxymoron a little bit, right? We see an awesome pediatrician here in Woburn. All of the staff dressed up as minions characters - it was adorable. Here are Con and Cay in the waiting room and in the dentist chairs.

They were playing the minions movie, so it was a great way to keep them in their chairs.

All for now! 


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