Francis M. Hancock Jr. - My Grandfather

What an emotional last few days...

My Grampa turned 90 on New Years Eve. He had just been discharged from the hospital the day before and he seemed like he was doing pretty good. Turns out, he was aging pretty quickly and when he went back to the doctor last Friday for a routine visit, he was admitted once again. Sadly, he passed away last night peacefully - and we all know he is in a much more comfortable place. You can read his obituary here.

I sure am going to miss my Grampa. He was a one of a kind, special, intelligent, hard working, determined, family man. I am so fortunate to have had almost 32 years with him - and I am even more grateful that he met all three of my baby boys.

Gram and Gramp with Conor and Caden at their house in 2015. Looks like the boys were about 1.

GG and GG meeting Cal at one week old.

GG and GG with Cal on his Christening day.

My graduation from Endicott, May 2007.

Christmas 2015 at Debbie's...Grampa is way in the back there!

Grampa is on the left - I think this was Easter...everyone was looking in the backyard for the eggs!

A few of my wedding pics...

I found this photo in my grandmother's wallet.

This may have been Chrissy's birthday. Maybe May 1990?

My bridal shower in Cape Cod, June 2010.

Jodie's wedding, Aug 2008.

Chrissy's condo in Arlington, 2008.

Christmas Eve 2008 lol. We got mashed potato mashers! Wooooohooooooo!

A Christmas at Debbie's...not sure when, maybe 2007?

Grampa and Jim - some Christmas Eve.

I love you, Grampa. I am so sad you are gone, but so fortunate I was able to say goodbye. We will take care of Grammy.



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