How Bout Them PATRIOTS?!

What a great day yesterday!

My Dad and I brought Conor, Caden, and Zeta to some woods in Waltham and met my Aunt Julie and her two dogs. We brought the wagon in case the boys didn't want to walk anymore. It was right before nap time, so I thought they would be real tired. But they did pretty well! It was nice to enjoy some outdoor time and fresh air - especially with all these sicknesses going on. Then the Patriots flipping won the superbowl!!! Like, what!? Amazing game.

I gave Cal this ridiculous fohawk...I loved it. HA.

Phelan family photo.

This morning we all woke up - and I was hoping that I didn't dream that they won last night. Still in disbelief!!

All for now! Enjoy that excitement come the duck boats!!



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