Marylous, Matching Shirts, and Mini Eggs....

What a weekend!! We are TIRED.

We were originally planning on sticking around Woburn this weekend, but I realized I left my purse down the Cape last weekend....sooo Saturday morning we packed up the essentials and took off to Cape Cod for the night. The weather was supposed to be wonderful this weekend, so we figured why not? Trying to live in the moment a bit more these days (which is tough to do with three littles).


Matching Shirts:

And Mini Eggs:

We took the boys to the beach when we arrived on Saturday. It was such a nice day. We brought them in the wagon and they walked off and on. When we arrived at the beach, Conor and Caden got out and ran around. Cal fell asleep in the baby bjorn, so I put him down in the wagon on top of the boys blankets since it was empty. It made for a nice little crib on the go!

Individual time with Mama. #ConCayCal  :)

We live on kind of a main drag in Hyannis, so there are always road races and things going on out front. The boys pulled up a seat and cheered on the runners. It was a little chilly, but thanks to Anne Rock, they kept warm! Thanks, Anne! :)

They were all tuckered out when we left this morning around 11:30. We wanted to stop at the harbor to show them the boats, but we honestly didn't even make it that far - they fell asleep that fast. So instead, we grabbed some Marylous and headed back to Woburn. They were up very early this morning...and had lots of that Cape Cod air!

Now we are back home, enjoying the Sunday afternoon before an early bedtime tonight.

No real crazy updates over here. Just living the dream and taking everything day by day. Having three little boys and working full time is extremely time consuming. I try to blog and write updates when I can. "The days feel long but the years are short" - I am reminded of that quote as I look back at this photo comparison. Look how they've grown....and a new brother! :)

Nov 2015 and Feb 2017 - at Jims parents house in Hyannis:

All for now! Hope everyone had a fun and fulfilling weekend!



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