Amoxicillin and Azithromycin - instead of Guinness and Jameson! ;)

Nothing like an ear infection, croup, and conjunctivitis to kick off St. Patrick's Day weekend, right?? Caden had been complaining about his eyes hurting for about a week or so (bad mom just let it go). I didn't notice anything physically wrong with his eyes, but he would continually say "eye hurt". It broke my heart because as we all know, they don't say all that much (even though that is changing FAST! I will write more about their speech progress because I failed to mention how well they are talking in full sentences).

Anyway, Caden was complaining about not feeling great - plus he was awake a little bit at night, not eating that much, and low grade fever for a few days. Since he didn't have any crazy physical ailments, I brought him to school on Friday. A little before noon, school called and said that his eyes were real bad. They were really gunky and oozy, and he needed to be picked up. I of course would never be able to pick up just one of them, so I brought the twins home and worked from home for the afternoon. He seemed himself for the most part - except a little bit lethargic (although neither of them napped, so that's nothing crazy). Then he started squinting and blinking way more frequently, so I decided I was going to bring him to the doctor. Plus, he looked like this -




I called Woburn Pediatrics twice - they kind of deterred me from bringing him in. "It doesn't sound like conjunctivitis, it sounds like a cold in his eye, so there's nothing we can do about that - drops won't help". Me: "Oh ok, but he seems maybe I should bring him in anyway?" This was about 2pm. They then said they were booked til after 5pm and hinted that they were real busy. I just said that didn't matter and book the first available. Thankfully, the first avail appt was with their actual PCP - in other words, someone who knows them both really well. I went there with just Caden; my Dad stayed home with Conor, while my mom and Grandma picked up Cal from his daycare (it takes a village folks!). Shortly after, my sister and Linds relieved my Dad and they were home with both Con and Cal. We arrived shortly after that with lots of meds for Caden's conjunctivitis, croup, and an ear infection. I immediately gave him a dose (and maybe a few cadbury mini eggs hehe) and we were on our way to recuperating!

We arrived home and Caden ran into the house yelling "Conor!". Conor ran down to the front door yelling "Caden!". They met each other at the landing and hugged. It was SO ADORABLE. They played for a bit and then early bedtime since everyone was under the weather.

We then had a few snakebates, guinesses, (guinnei?), and black and tans with Chrissy and Linds while we enjoyed some corned beef dinner and some banana bread after that. Random combo - but it was so nice staying in, enjoying their company before their big move, and relaxing. I sure am going to miss them.

We also had a photo shoot! Thanks to C + L for the family photos. 

 I tried making C and C kiss me on the cheek - Caden was blowing me a kiss (on the right). :)

Even with all those sicknesses, we made it to the Cape! Haha. We are nuts!

Check out Cal's shirt - it says "Irish Rugby - Caden Francis" from Jim's friend Chris. I absolutely love these onesies that he and his wife got the twins when they were born. Cal loves it too! haha #thirdchildproblems

As if that wasn't enough, Caden then had an allergic reaction to the amoxicillin. Other than Caden having a milk allergy when he was younger, no one in our family has any allergies. Therefore, this is a very foreign topic for me. I didn't know what to look for - but as soon as I saw these red "welts" under his eye, I knew something was up. He had about 3 doses of amoxicillin at this point.

Then he started swelling on his cheek, behind his ear, and had some red spots on his torso. We went to urgent care in the Cape and they gave him benadryl. They also switched his meds. We're SO much better now. Thank goodness!

Flashback to St. Patrick's Day last year, 2016!

And from 2012 - Lá fhéile Pádraig Shona Dhaoibh! I hope you all enjoyed your St Patrick's Day weekend. 

All for now!

Shaz and Cx3


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