Conor and Caden are THREE!

Happy Birthday, Conor and Caden!

Top: Caden
Bottom: Conor

First, a HUGE thank you to everyone that came to celebrate Conor and Caden yesterday. The day was absolutely incredible - the weather, the turnout, and the surprises. It was perfect. I was stressing about the weather because it was of course raining all morning and early afternoon. The sun started to come out just as the boys were waking from their naps. We wiped down the bounce house, put up a few EZ ups, and hoped the rain would hold out a few hours. It did, and I am so grateful.

Here's a quick recap of the day -

We picked up the boys cakes and let them take a sneak peek.

All set up with goody bags

Mom is back there somewhere...ha pumped it isn't raining.

Getting ready for friends to arrive. :)

Caden in the excavator!

Conor in the excavator!

And Cal in the excavator!

Loving every second of this excavator in our driveway.

Party pics / pics of the pinata. 

Conor, Caden, and Mom in the bounce house!

SO many surprises! And so much sugar!! hahaha best day ever

Day after party - opening up some presents. Thank you everyone for your generosity. I am blown away at all the gifts and cards that we opened up this morning. It was so sweet to see all the thoughtful the gifts...and so many people who stuck with the construction theme! HOW FUN!!

Caden in the bobcat!

Conor in the bobcat!

Con and Cay in their new John Deere sweatshirts from Meri. Thank you soooo much!! We think they are so cool!

Leftover birthday cake at 9am this morning. :)

And omg Aunties Chrissy and Lindsey bought us SCOOTERS!!!! to Toys R Us I go in order to get some helmets.

Me" How old are you?!"
Con and Caden: "I'm freeee!"  :)

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU everybody! Happy Birthday to my amazing twin boys!

Shaz and C,C,C

P.S. Special "thank you" and shout out to Jim's uncle Rob for bringing his bobcat and Jon Flowers for bringing the excavator. It was really amazing.


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