One AWESOME Weekend - and One Busy Mama

This is probably the longest I've gone in a while between posts - but I will honestly say I am the busiest I have ever been. But we had a wicked fun weekend, so it was blog-post-worthy. We ventured out to a few events, hosted lots of people, and had a blast doing it all. Oh and the weather was WAY better than expected, so that is always a plus. I mean, look at these three guys!

Work has been really busy - I just returned from a week long conference in Cape Cod and it was awesome. It was SO nice to be "away" yet I didn't feel far from home since I was staying at our Cape house.

The boys are all super crazy and fun. I am so proud to say that Conor and Caden have officially graduated out of early intervention. It was a real long involved process. We worked with Woburn Public Schools from the beginning to see if the boys qualified for services at a special state funded preschool due to their previous speech delay. :) I am SO happy/thrilled/ecstatic to report that they did not qualify for any services at all. Therefore, they will just continue with the status quo, which is going to their preschool in Winchester - and Cal is at his daycare in Burlington. ALL GOOD.

Cal is a crawling/climbing/adventurous maniac. He is a lot different than Conor and Caden were at his age. They were (and still are) a bit more timid. He is out of control. I can't even handle it. HAHA. He wants to follow Conor and Caden and do everything that they do - he climbs up in their beds, and then lays on them and wrestles with them. He steals their toys and does everything that an annoying little brother would do. It's so fun to watch. I am also still pumping - hopefully looking to end that when he turns one. It is challenging to do in the mornings and evenings now. However, it's only twice a day so it isn't bad. He also eats everything in sight, so I don't think it's as necessary compared to when he was a real little baby.

He tries to keep up with Conor and Caden.

He is pulling up and standing at everything he can find. This is one of his favorite places to stand. The boys usually have snacks here, so naturally he finds his way over.

Speaking of snacks...

We went to Winchester "Town Day" on Saturday with a few new friends from Conor and Caden's preschool. It was really well done - lots of stuff for kiddos to love. It was a blast and the weather was awesome! We then hosted my parents for a little impromptu BBQ later than night.

This is how I find the twins 99% of evenings and mornings.

Then we run into Cal's room and say good morning! He loves it. :)

We had Shayla and Kyle over for lunch today - I don't know how we didn't take any pics of the food. Kyle made the most amazing Shakshuka. Everybody wolfed it down and barely said two words to each other. It was delicious!

We rested, played cornhole, enjoyed a few mimosas, and just relaxed. It was the best day!!

Last weekend, we visited the cemeteries for Memorial Day. We went to my Grampa Hancock here in Woburn, Grampa Phelan in Lexington, both my Callahan Grandparents in Waltham, and also Jim's Mullen Grandparents in West Roxbury. Here are a few pics from the weekend. The boys were a little more difficult last weekend (probably because we dragged them to four cementeries) but still worth the memories here on the blog!

All for now...


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