Keeping Up with Conor, Caden, and Cal...

I figured it was already time for another post! I can't even keep up with everything happening in their little lives.

My cousin Jill and her family came up from Florida and her three kids did some BMX racing in Billerica. We stopped by to see them and it was fun! Conor and Caden brought their bikes and of course wanted a chance to ride down the track.

We then had a BBQ and pool party at my cousin Ryan's after nearby. Cal loves dogs! And his GG. :)

Conor, Caden, and Cal with their second cousins - my cousins Jill, Ryan, and Jodie's kids. Everyone cooperated except Conor and Caden. LOL

Conor and Caden have been so sweet with Cal lately. They have all of a sudden noticed him.

Here we are making cookies over the weekend with my boys. They loved having their own bowls, stirring the cookies, and watching the colors change. I had green, Caden had blue, and Conor had red cookie dough.

Cal enjoyed eating them! Ha what I love about Cal's age is that he is so into everything. He is growing so fast, right before our eyes. He absolutely loves to walk and tries copying Conor and Caden with everything they do. It is so cute. He gets frustrated when he can't do much, but I know he is right behind them. Just tonight, we were running around the kitchen singing Moana and I was walking hand in hand with Cal - and he was SO proud of himself, because he was walking right alongside his big brothers. :)  He also seems so much older now with his haircut. Look how handsome he is!

Look at these three! This is what I love about the weekends. They all get to spend time together, watch some TV, relax, and play. The week is so busy, and they're at separate daycares - so it's nice when they can be together.

Some fun random favorites from the last few days...

Both Caden and Conor had splinters at the same time - what are the odds of that? We had both of them soak them to help get them out. They absolutely hated it. But Jimbo did a great job and got them out! Ugh, what a struggle.

All for now!


P.S. Flashback photos are BACK! What's crazy about this photo? I feel like I just took it. It was one of our first family of 5 pics...a selfie I took while holding Cal when he was a few weeks old. Wow, that went quick!


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