Why I Never Pay For A Kids Meal...

Call me cheap, but it's expensive to have [three] kids, and expensive when going out to dinner. So why not do some research to save a few pennies?

If you're like me, then you hate monotony and repetition and doing the same old thing every single night - get home from work, think about what to make for dinner, start dinner, let it cool, feed the kids, start baths, do bedtime, argue with them 5 times to "go pee Mom?" and finally settle in to cook something for your husband and yourself. It gets old QUICK.

How do I stay sane, you ask? I try and order a somewhat healthy take out meal once every week or two, or we go out to dinner instead. We used to go to Papa Ginos or a sub shop (something super quick and pre-paid, so we could bolt outta there in a flash), but now we are trying more sit down family restaurants. It helped that my parents picked up Cal from daycare on Thurs, so we went out with just Conor and Caden. That meant no high chair, baby food, or bottles needed. WIN!

Here we are before dinner, waiting for Daddy to get home from work -

Mama and Caden with crayons -

 Daddy and Con coloring -

Family CHEERS! Con couldnt wait to take a sip -

The whole gang! $2.49 beers...what?!

Con and Cay switched when they came back from the bathroom! Mama and Con!

We found CAL! Yayyy!!

One morning this past week, I spent a little time with them at school. They like to show me all their toys and how they make fun things. We started with play dough and then went to the magnetic tiles. They are OBSESSED with those.

Here are the tiles. They really are cool.

This is blurry but cute, Con was "helping" Cal crawl over to Conor's bed. Cal absolutely loves bedtime and loves climbing up in each of Conor and Caden's beds - crawling from one to the other and drinking their water. It's his absolute favorite thing. He also loves to play this "fetch" game with himself. He sits on the floor and holds two small toys like blocks, balls, or magnetic letters or something. He then throws them in the air and sees where they land. He crawls to pick them up and keeps repeating this game. Hey - it keeps him entertained!

But I thought this was cute that Con had his hand on Cal's back as he was crawling around upstairs.

Since we had such a great time on Thursday night out to dinner, I looked up a website for "free kids meals during the week" around our city and found a few fun options. Most of these are free when purchased with an adult entree.

DAILY: Like I said, we went to the 99 on Thursday to switch things up. The boys had free meals because the Red Sox won the night before 4-0! Kids eat free (with the purchase of an adult entree) the day after the Sox win! Here is the Red Sox Schedule so you can plan accordingly. ;)

SundayIxtapa (Woburn Center) has a deal that kids eat free when an adult entree is purchased. They also have coupons on their website for any takeout during the week.

Monday:  John Brewers Tavern (Waltham and Malden) - Kids eat free after 5pm. You can order one dinner, salads included, and you can get TWO kids meals for free. This is awesome for parents of multiples.

TuesdayApplebeesChateauPolcari's / Regina Pizzeria.  Looks like Polcari's has some fun events for kiddos. I may have to check that out.

Wednesday: According to that "cheap eats" website, Unos has kids meals specials all day on Wednesdays - not just after 5pm. I have read contradicting websites that say Unos has free kids meals on Tuesdays, so call before going!

Thursday: I haven't found any specific to Thursdays - so hope the Sox win on Wednesday so you can go out to dinner on Thurs. ;)

Friday: See above. Also, the Margaritas location in Weymouth has kids meal specials when you order an adult entree. Not sure when locations closer to me will get the memo!

Also worth mentioning, I stumbled across this deal website when I was looking for additional free kids meal options - I haven't used it myself, but good to know! I also go to the Woburn Public Library for discounts and free passes to the Stone Zoo, Childrens Museum, etc. I may have mentioned that before. You can also use Groupon for discounts to places. I have seen a few for some family friendly activities in Cape Cod like the duckmobiles, Kennedy Museum, whale watches, and the inflatable park. Keep your eye out!

All for now!



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