Free Family Photoshoots!

Last year for Mother's Day, my sister and Linds paid for a photographer to come to our house and take family photos since Cal had just been born. I absolutely loved the pics here in our own home - both inside watching TV/snacktime, and also playing in our backyard. So this year, while trying to stick to a budget, I asked my mom if she would be willing to take a few pics.

It was later in the day, Conor and Caden were very tired from a busy weekend, and they were also getting hungry for dinner. Needless to say, it was a veryyyy difficult photo session. My mom was a trooper and surprisingly got several really good family pics. I may try and do it again later in the year, but for now I am very happy with the few good ones that we have!

The Good Pics:

The Not-So-Good Pics: 

Thanks Ma!! You did awesome!

All for now.



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