Santa Came to Our House!! Christmas 2017

Oh my goodness! I came downstairs in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve and look who I saw!!! SANTA!!

Conor, Caden, and Cal had a great Christmas. They were much better than last year and really were into Santa! It was really fun. 

After we opened presents and ate some breakfast, we went outside to play in the snow. We went sledding at our house, right next to our driveway. Conor loved it - Caden had a bit of a rough time.

Then we went to Aunt Debbie's and played with our cousins! Here's Conor, Caden, Cal, and Jared! It was a great afternoon. The kids had a lot of fun.

To start the Christmas season, we had both Jim and my work parties, and then we went to Martha's Vineyard for "Christmas in Edgartown". However, Caden had the stomach bug and it didn't really go as planned. Cal and Conor had a good time though. They LOVED the ferry. Jim's Dad works on the ferry to Nantucket so I think they wanted to see "Gramps".

About a week ago, we hosted our second annual "Auntie/Uncle night" at our house. We typically exchange some gifts, make gingerbread houses/cookies, listen to festive music, and enjoy fun Christmasy cocktails. This year, Chrissy and Lindsey brought spice packets for warm mulled wine. It was a nice festive touch!

The cookie decorating was easier this year than the gingerbread houses last year - and less messy. Here's Chrissy and Con!

Then on Christmas Eve, Jim's parents and brother came over during the day and then my parents came over for dinner. Lots of grandparents for the boys!

Cal got a scooter just like his brothers - but blue. Conor and Caden immediately took over though...

We put out some cookies and milk, got into our PJs, and headed upstairs for the night. 

Very grateful for this family...MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE!

Til next year...


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