My Week in Hyannis!! Plus My Attempt at Ahi Tacos!

This past week, I had a conference at the Hyannis Conference Center. It's awesome for me because I am able to stay at my house and enjoy some time (and work) in Cape Cod. I left the boys on Monday and came home on Friday. It was the perfect amount of time away. I was able to do some raking/planting one morning when my mom came down for a visit. We  also visited some nice restaurants and random new beaches. We also did quite a few hikes! It was really fun. She also came to trivia one night at the conference center! She did SO good - everyone said she was my secret weapon! Hahaha. My mom is famous for knowing random facts and things, so she was perfect at trivia.  I am glad my mom and I enjoyed some nice time together - it's rare for her and I to hang out without the kiddos. 

I am never able to sit like this when I usually go to the Cape - what a treat!

Two of my favorite meals while I was away - this lobster salad and then a salmon salad wrapped in cucumber.


Then I came home and started the boys with some t-ball and golf. :)

Anyway, I was inspired from the abundant amount of seafood I had while I was in Hyannis, so I made ahi tuna for the first time! I bought the raw tuna steaks, seasoned them quite considerably, and grilled them for two minutes on each side. I let them sit for a little while and sliced them up for the tacos! I also made a cole slaw, as well as a spicy chipotle mayo.  Here is how it all started - two tuna steaks, a bunch of peppercorns, and a few other seasonings. 

I mixed together the peppercorns, salt, garlic salt, cumin, tumeric, and red pepper.  I  mixed it all in the nutribullet.  I then drizzled some EVOO on the tuna steaks and then added the blend to the tuna.

I put the grill on super high so that I could sear the tuna, about 2 minutes on each side.

All done! After letting them sit and cool for about 20 minutes, I sliced them up and added a little lemon squeeze.

I was contemplating what would pair nicely with the tuna steaks, so I poured two glasses of sangria, garnished our drinks, and stirred up the cole slaw. I then had just a little mayo left in the container, so I added some siracha to the container and shook it like crazy. I used only a tiny bit, so now I have more in the container for next time!

For Jimbo, I made him two tacos and then a side of my "pasta salad" which has about 7 different veggies in it and some spiral pasta. I sliced up red onion, red bell pepper, cucumber, and tomatoes. I drizzled some EVOO and balsamic to it - while I sauteed some white onion, fresh broccoli crowns, zucchini. After those cooked, I added it to the pasta salad. I sprinkled some feta on it and called it a day. It's a meal on it's own, or good as a side with burgers, or these ahi tuna tacos.

For myself, I made one taco and then a little ahi tuna side - like this:  This was actually my fav! You could really taste all the flavors this way. And the presentation looks pretty nice.

We went grocery shopping to grab all the items we needed, this is what it looks like when I take the kids grocery shopping lol.

Some other randoms from the weekend... finger painting, fruit salad, snuggles with Mom, and lounging together watching "Super Why!"


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