Phelan Phive Visit Brooklyn!!

About a year ago, myself and Cal took a road trip to Brooklyn for what I think was my first visit to see Chrissy and Lindsey since they had moved to NY. He was just shy of turning 1 and Chrissy and Linds had been there for a few months. Around my birthday this year in January, we took Conor and Caden to New York while my parents watched Cal for the weekend.

Needless to say, this was our first family visit to Brooklyn and it went a lot better/easier than expected! When we've stayed there, Conor and Caden sleep in their second bedroom and me and Jim stay on an air mattress in the living room. This trip wasn't much different, as we brought a pack n play which we put in Chrissy and Lindsey's room - the rest stayed the same! We were very busy throughout the day and the ride there was pretty draining for them too, so they all slept great! Cal even napped there - which is crazy. He often doesn't nap if we're not at our place or his daycare.

Anyway, we started the drive Friday morning and we stopped in Bridgeport, CT at a little area called Seaside Park. What I liked most about this place was that it was about 1.5 hours fro Chrissy and Lindsey's, it had a view of the water that we could walk along, and surprisingly there was a playground! It was a great place to stop. When we've stopped in the past (in January) we stopped at Skyzone at "toddler time" which is their discounted rate, so it was perfect. However Friday was beautiful so I wanted to go somewhere and be outside.

We arrived around 1:30PM Friday and headed out on the little ferry on the East River. We walked over there, Cal in his stroller and Conor and Caden took their scooters.

See them WAYYYY far away?!

We took the boat to Dumbo where there was a cute picnic area, a carousel for the boys, and plenty of people watching. This area was so great! The kids were pretty tired from the long drive so they didn't last long, but it was still really cool to see a different area of Brooklyn.

We all had some snacks and beverages - it was pretty hot out! Hi Auntie Linny!!!

That night, the kids went to bed pretty well and me and Jimbo headed out for dinner. We didn't stay out too late (like our last visit to NY haha) and we were home after a somewhat quick dinner. The next morning, Chrissy and Linds took the boys to a bagel shop to grab everyone breakfast. Then we walked around/relaxed until the pool area opened at 10AM.

We literally spent about 6 hours down at their pool. It was the most beautiful day. The water was great, the boys LOVED swimming, and the view was gorgeous! Tried to get a good phelan phamily photo here - 

Cal took a nap upstairs, while Conor and Caden rested with Jimbo outside - how sweet.

Don't worry - we all enjoyed some ice cream after our BBQ by the pool!

We headed out pretty early Sunday morning because the weather was pretty much like this:

"Bye Chrissy's York!!" Thanks for such an awesome visit!

Til next time...



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