This is a LONG overdue post - but I wanted to take the time to write about each day, the condo, the neighborhood we were staying and of course DISNEYWORLD!  I have a short YouTube clip from one of the rides in Disney. Cal was hilarious.

Here we are departing from Logan Airport down to Orlando, FL. The kids were absolutely perfect. To be very honest with you, I was dreading every minute. I thought they would be terrible...but much to my surprise, they were amazing!

I mean, look at our arrival at Logan - we were a mess!! Three kids, two strollers, and like 5+ pieces of luggage. It was insane.

We arrived around 4PM on Saturday 12/1.  We rented a mini-van which was lifechanging. There was so much room and the boys could choose different seats during the week.  The only struggle was trying to buckle them in when they were sitting in the way back! 

When we arrived, we decided to walk around and check out the neighborhood.

 Immediately jumped in the ocean!

One of our favorite activities was walking to the beach at random times during the day to just sit and relax. We didn't bring any toys or chairs - we just brought ourselves and a few towels. It was SO relaxing.



We LOVED the heated pool.  It was so great to stop by and hang at the pool to change it up from the beach every day.


My mirror twins :)

My Aunt Joan lives in Palm Coast, Florida and drove to meet us in Cocoa Beach. She visited our condo for coffee and then we went to the Cocoa Beach pier for a late lunch. We were happy to hear there was a rocket launch that was going to take off during lunch! The kids thought it was so cool...and it provided some entertainment while we had our food.

I love sleeping pics. The twins are sleeping in the same bed on the left - and Cal is on the bed on the right. There was another bedroom with a queen bed that we didn't even use! They loved being all together. We may even set up a new bed in the twins room at our house so they can all be together at home.


It was a very last minute decision to go to Disneyworld for a day...but boy are we glad we did!! It was seriously the highlight of my entire year. The boys were SO much better than expected. We planned ahead and packed snacks/drinks/layered clothers/strollers so we were good.  Plus, my friend Mackey used to work at Disney, so she was superrrr helpful to us out throughout the day.  3 adults and 3 kids - perfect!!

Mackey recommended we start the day with a character breakfast at Chef Mickey's.  She also gave us the helpful hint that we could park there and have easy access to Magic Kingdom.

After the character breakfast, we walked over to Magic Kingdom. We are SO GLAD we brought our two strollers - the black double stroller that I've used with the twins since they were born (its converted from bassinets to adapters for their infant car seats and then material for toddler seats). It's called Mountain Buggy Duo and it's bomb for twin mamas. And then we brought a little traveling red stroller for Cal. It was a lifesaver - and really it was the only reason the kids weren't zombies by 2PM. We also brought in plenty of drinks and snacks - and loads of baby wipes and antibacterial wipes for Cal.

The first ride we went on was the carousel. The twins started here and Cal went to the bathroom with Jimbo to get changed. Ha. Then we all went on Dumbo, and the teacups!! We were huge fans!


We had an absolute BLAST!!!  

All for now!

PS Flashback photo from me on the teacups in Disneyland in 2012 and teacups in Disneyworld in 2018.


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