NY Strip Steaks and 3 Country Bistro - Woburn Center

A few days after Valentine's Day, I decided to make a nice steak dinner for Jim and I.  Jim had a late work call that Thursday night (Valentine's Day) so we postponed our dinner a few days.

I chose two of the NY strip steaks from the ButcherBox delivery and made a side of broccoli with onions and roasted them in the oven.

I seared the steaks on the stove top and then put them in the oven with the veggies.

I then made a creamy Israeli couscous with a "gravy" made for the steaks. I basically used the au jus and added a bit of flour to thicken. It was a little thicker than I wanted it to be, but it was good and added flavor.

We of course paired it with a nice bottle of cab and watched Madmen. It was the best night.

In other news, we just wrapped up "school vacation" week.  Conor and Caden's morning preschool was closed, so they went to their afternoon school all day so Jim and I could go to work. Cal's school was closed, but Jim's Dad came up from the Cape and watched him a few days and my mom watched him a day too. It worked out great.

Since Tom was here, we asked if we could go out to dinner while he stay home with the sleeping beauties. We decided to grab a bottle of Stags Leap Petite Sirah and went to 3 Country Bistro in Woburn Center. They have a BYOB -  no corkage fee! It is such a hole in the wall, they don't even have a website. We usually just do takeout but it was nice to get out for a night. I got the Bibimbap and Jim got a few sushi rolls. It was honestly the BEST dinner out we have had in a long time...

Caught! ;)

And when we got home, here they were!

This is how I am going to enjoy the rest of my weekend! :)

All for now!


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