Easter Egg Hunts!

The Easter Bunny came to our house!

We had a wonderful, busy weekend.  On Saturday, we went to Chelsea and Brian's house - a new set of friends who live a couple houses down from my parents. They have two young boys who are just about Conor, Caden and Cal's age. We had a lovely brunch spread and they had an Easter egg hunt around their house for all the kiddos.  They also had a pinata in their garage that the kids loved hitting. It was a riot.

On Sunday, we woke up to find the Easter Bunny had visited our house. There were eggs hidden everywhere and three Easter baskets with tons of arts and crafts, slime, candy, and stuffed animals. Lucky boys!!

Later in the day, we went to my Aunt Debbie's house in North Reading.  I made a few desserts. My Dad's Aunt Frances' famous marble squares, and a homemade white cake all decorated for Easter. We spent the entire day at my Aunts house, but Cal wasn’t feeling well. Jim stayed with him most of the day and he brought him home. He ended up having a quite a belly ache and stayed home from school today. Luckily my mom has Tuesdays off so he spent the day with Grammy!

For the marble square recipe, you need to read the recipe I wrote a few years agoMy Great Aunt Frances has been making them forever. They are amazing. Look how little the kids were when I last made them (in that link above)!  Also look how little Conor and Caden were in 2015 during their First Easter post

I made a white cake that was very simple - I just googled a simple recipe. 

Here are a bunch of pics from the day.

I love their crooked little mirrored ankles. 

My Godson Jared and me

All the boys playing kinetic sand...sorry for the mess, Debbie!!!

 My Gram and me

I hope you all had a wonderful and memorable Easter!

All for now,


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