Flashback Pics!

Just reliving life - when it was more consistent, normal, and typical. Each day we could go outside, call up a friend and meet up for dinner, go to work/school/church anything. Things have seriously changed. I know it's temporary, but it was nice going through these photos and memories. Feel free to enjoy! These are mainly 2009-2013.

Thanksgiving 2009 - my parents would bring us to our wedding venue to check out the skyline and have coffee after our red eye flight.

Then we would shoot down the Cape for Phelan Thanksgiving!

Cape Cod 2009

  Nights out while I was home from DC....


Life in DC or possibly the future - who knows

My Dad and my Grampa H installing my corner cabinet in our DC house 2009.  It is still there - check out the most recent listing!

We moved to LA! May 2009

Pepperdine University, grad school

Jenny and Chrissy came to visit!

My grad school friend Kate came back to visit Cali

My mom, sis and I went to Catalina Island just after my grad school graduation in 2013. We all went zip-lining! 

Some of my favorites from LA - the Alexy fam!

My sisters 30th birthday!

LEGENDS - Sarah's birthday!

 Keryn came to visit Memorial Day 2013

My LA work bestie Rock

I surprised my Mom in Las Vegas....

Our first wedding anniversary.

The night I met this fun little red head aka my SIL

Baby Patrick! 

Baker, California to Las Vegas, Nevada run

PUNTA CANA - Best vacation ever

There are loads and loads more, but these are just a few up until 2013. Maybe I will do another one 2013 to present - that is basically of the kiddos since I got pregnant with the twins in Aug 2013.

Stay safe! Stay home.



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