OMG - Molten Chocolate Lava Cakes

You guys NEED to make this dessert tonight.  It is the most decadent, amazing dessert ever.

It was so simple - only 6 ingredients and maybe 15 minutes. So first take a muffin tin, or ramekins if you have them and spray with pam.  Then coat them with some cocoa powder to prevent the cakes from sticking.  Once that is done, start your mixtures. 

  • You will need three different bowls.  
  • In the first bowl, melt a stick of butter and 6 oz of chocolate morsels. That is about half a bag. Once that is mixed all smooth, work on your dry ingredients.
  • In the second bowl mix 1/4 cup flour, 1/2 cup confectioners sugar, 1/8 tsp salt and sift that together. 
  • In the third bowl, mix 2 eggs and 2 egg yolks - whisk those together.  Then put all three together and pour into your ramekins or muffin pan!  
  • Bake at 425 for 8-10 min and serve immediately.  
I honestly had one the following day and it was still delicious, so do whatever you want!

Consistency was pretty thick - this was right before they went in the oven.

This was about half way through baking...

And this was right at about 9 minutes!

This was taken about 10 min out of the oven

And here's my plate. OMG were they need to make them




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