Stunning Autumn Strolls

Over the weekend, we visited Auntie T, Mark and Noah at their house and went on a nice walk. They live right across from a cute bike trail so we walked down towards Stow. We’ve brought the boys over there before, and hiked through the woods, but this time we had Noah’s stroller and stayed on the paved bike trail. It was a beautiful day. The kids (and adults) loved it. 

When it was time to turn into the woods where we brought the boys before, Conor remembered it! He was asking why we weren’t going in the woods - it was funny he has been there once and knew where to go. We continued on the trail and he liked pushing Noah’s stroller.

Then of course we find this super steep hill and the boys (and T’s dog Vina) tried climbing to the top. The twins made it but Cal needed a little push - so Jimbo climbed up there with them and walked back towards Ts house a bit. 

Then we all met up again!

The boys were fascinated by Auntie T’s darts skills. She killed it!!!

We spent Sunday brewing some beer and watching the Pats. The beer-brewing post will be next! Have a great week.



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