A Tribute Post “Mac and Cheese”

This post is a little different.  I didn’t ask permission prior to doing this - so I hope it’s okay. Kristin - please let me know if you oppose to this post and I’ll take it down.  

Ok here goes! This recipe comes from the McGregor family. Kristin just posted this Mac n Cheese recipe (below) on Facebook and I thought I would make it for my boys! As I mentioned in prior posts, my kids have shown serious interest in cooking and baking lately, so Caden joined in making this dish. 


Boil 2 cups elbow macaroni, then add 2 tbs butter, 2 tbs flour, and 2 cups milk to the pot. Stir together. Add one large block velveta cheese and 1/2 tsp dry mustard, salt and pepper.  

After that’s stirred, pour into a buttered baking dish and top with 1 cup bread crumbs. I did a little less because my boys can be picky! Haha I also used cavatapi because that’s all I had. 

Sorry Kristin - I definitely butchered this! Hahaha 

Ingredients (dry mustard not pictured):

Boiled and butter added. 

Caden stirring the cheese into the pasta 

Pour mixture into a buttered baking dish and top with the breadcrumbs!

Now bake for 30 min!  Mine is still in the oven. Can’t wait to try it. 

And here’s a little clip from our day - 

Remote “gym class” hahaha Cal joined Conors call because he didn’t have one today. His daycare has been closed due to positive COVID cases. 

Remote Learning Photoshoot!

Flashback to last year when pictures with Santa were still normal...as normal as sitting on a random old mans lap. Ha!

I’ll be bringing this Mac and cheese to my mom and dads tomorrow night for Christmas Eve dinner. Thank you McGregor family!



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