Conors Feb vacation journal

 A wee bit late on this but we went to Washington DC for February vacation. All the boys wrote their own journals. Conor and Caden typed theirs - and Cal used the dictation to write his journal. Pasting them as three separate posts so stay tuned!!!! (Conor’s favorite color is blue) 😝

Saturday Feb 18

We packed our car and went to New York and took pictures at Central Park of fat birds. We used moms phone and dads phone to each take pictures of the birds. There were so many birds in the sanctuary. They weren't shy. In fact, they came close to us humans and were hoping we would feed them. We even saw one lady feeding the birds straight out of her hand!

I’m almost 9

My best picture of a bird                                   


A Good picture of my family

having bagels with my dad 

There’s a finger in the picture

After Central Park, we met up with mom and dad’s friend, Lauren. She was wearing a big puffy red coat. We walked around with her and then went to get some NY pizza. It was delicious. We also had meatballs and some salad. We slept at our hotel (Sheraton, Times Square NY) and the room was small. It was also noisy. We saw lots of tall buildings and taxis.

Sunday Feb 19

We stayed in New York until Sunday morning. We visited Central Park one last time and tried to feed the birds but the bird sanctuary was closed. We ate some bagels with cream cheese on a park bench. It was awesome.

We then asked for our car back to start the drive to Washington DC. There were so many buildings and trees on the way .When we got there we went in this crazy cool hotel (Residence inn) in Washington DC after we got some ideas from Eastern Market and got free things like a frisbee and sunglasses.

Monday Feb 20

On Monday morning we were so excited about the new amazing room.It was until 4:00 and it was only 8:00 so we had a long time to go.When we were waiting we got to watch the lego movie.It was almost 4:00 we were so excited. We did a hop on/hop off bus and saw so many monuments in DC. We stopped at the WWII memorial. My mom showed us the pictures of our great grandparents who were in WWII.  Great-grandpa Mullen, Great grandpa Phelan, Great Grandpa Hancock, Great Grandpa Callahan and Great grandma Callahan.

Tuesday Feb 21

We were on the cool electric scooters and were crazy fast. It felt like a million miles. Have you ever went on a cool electric scooter? Well you have to go on! After we went to this amazing 

museum of things in Washington DC. We also visited the air and space museum and saw tons of airplanes on the first floor and lots of things about space, the planets and the solar system on the second floor. We then watched a movie about space and the planets in the planetarium. 

Wednesday Feb 22

On Wednesday we went to the capitol. Have you ever been to the capital? Well it’s awesome there because the center is huge.  The center is called the Rotunda.  There is a huge painted mural on the ceiling. We learned a lot there and had fun.


We also went to the FBI and we were looking at some cool things. We even solved our very own bank robbery case. The evidence is pictured below - the red hat, the gun, the shell casing, the fingerprints, the money and the CCTV surveillance video. It was so cool. 

Thursday Feb 23

When it was Thursday we were going to the White House at 8:30.The line was long but we played and it went pretty fast and because the line was fast it was short in the whitehouse.Sadly 

we didn’t see the president but it was cool there.After we went on the electric scooter again there are sosososososososo fast!

Friday Feb 24

When it was friday we decided to go home but we all wanted to stay here.By the way we went to the garden called (botanical).We saw the cocoabeans to make chocolate.You mite think how did we see those? They only grow nearby Texas. “Well we got lucky to see the cocoabeans.” After that we went to the Jefferson memorial and in the middle we saw the Thomas Jefferson statue. He was so tall. While we were there, a lady started singing the national anthem. We went to get lunch at Eastern Market at a place called Tunnicliff's Tavern. The kids menu was called Tunnikids. I ordered the kids pizza and it was giant! There were 8 pieces and I ate 5 and Caden ate 1. The pizza was so hot and delicious! We went to the hotel after and played “the floor is lava”. It was hard but fun. Lastly, we all went for a night drive of the National Mall. We saw all the monuments lit up at nighttime. We could see them so much because they were all white. So I said “that's why monuments are white!”  Mom and I got out of the car and walked up to the Lincoln Memorial.  I saw the BIG statue of Abraham Lincoln and the emancipation proclamation. 

Saturday Feb 25

When it was Saturday it was a sad day because we had to leave and packup the car while we were in. It started fine but eventually it was crazy crazy. We stopped at a rest stop place with a subway and ate sandwiches. 

Sunday Feb 26


Vacation over! TIme to get ready for school tomorrow!’YYYYAAAAYYYY!!!!!!!!’


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